Sunday, July 7, 2013


June 2012

Here it starts. Its time to do the big trip and after talking with my boss about having 4=6 months off next year, we are starting to plan our trip. To be honest, although its a bit daunting, I think I'm ready to just get going. So let the plans begin!!!

June 2013

John and I are planning a 5-6 month trip starting somewhere in August 2013.  We started a countdown on the clock and it seems like yesterday we started the clock at 170 days and here we are down to 24 days. OM G !!   Although it seemed a long way away, in fact the way the year has flown it has come around so quickly. John has bought a Coaster bus and although its taken a lot of man hours and some frustrating moments, at the time of writing this beginning entry, it's almost ready to go. From a shell to a motor home has been quite a journey in itself.  

Just trying to restart the old BLOG, so I hope you come back and join us. Always love to get comments and letters from family and friends so please leave a message or 2  xx Sonia and John

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